Gameplay Help & Info

Here players can find a quick helpful guide of commands used by gameplay plugins that the WoodRock server uses.

Basic Commands on WoodRock (Note: some commands may be unavailable to default players):

↹Tab Keyboard Displays list of online players.
/spawn Teleports you to the world spawn.
/helpop Get attention, get help.
/tp Teleport to a player.
/tpr Teleport to a random location.
/tpa Sends a teleport request to a player.
/tpaccept Accepts a teleport request from another player.
/tpacancel Cancels a teleport request.
/bal Displays your current bank balance.
/msg Sends a private message to a player.
/r Sends a quick reply to the last messenger.
/motd Displays the Message of the Day.
/back Teleports you back prior to teleporting.
/nick Changes your nickname to your choosing.
/hat Turns the item in your hand into a wearable hat.
/kits Checks available kits.
/kitshow Displays content of kit.
/rules Displays a list of rules.
/sethome Sets your home. (Note: players are allowed up to the 3 homes)
/delhome Deletes your home.
/afk Away-From-Keyboard. (/afk again to undo)
/suicide Causes you to perish and die.
/warps Displays the available warps
/mcstats Displays your current mcMMO stats.
/mctop Displays the mcMMO leaderboard.
/mcrank Displays your overall mcMMO rank.

How to use the GriefDefender (GD) plugin:

  1. GD allows you to claim land, protect your builds, and much more. Each player can own up to 2 separate landclaims. Be mindful of nearby player’s builds and make maximum use of your landclaim from surface to bedrock no matter how small rather than expand outward on the surface of the world.
  2. Create a golden shovel or do /kit tools to obtain one. Left click the land you want to claim with your golden shovel. Follow the instructions on screen.
  3. Placing down a chest will also protect and lay a claim on the land you are standing in.
  4. To abandon the claim you are standing in type /abandonclaim and follow the instructions.
  5. To buy more claimblocks you must have the right amount of money in your bank balance (/bal). Use /buyclaimblocks
  6. To expand the claim you are standing in, use /gd claim expand and then add the <amount> you wish to claim. You may wish to repeat this for each direction.
  7. To see what flags are available to toggle in your claim: /cf or /gd flag claim
  8. Refer to GD’s website for more info on using their commands.
  9. For more help using this plugin get support on the WoodRock Discord server.

How to use the JobsReborn plugin:

  1. Taking a job on WoodRock allows players to earn extra in-game money.
  2. Type /jobs browse to open the plugin’s gui menu.
  3. Type /jobs info to access information about types of jobs
  4. Hover over the items and follow the instructions.
  5. To leave a job use /jobs leave or /jobs leaveall

How to buy and sell:

Currently, players must use the following method to set up their own shop. Note: A quick set up could be: create and place wooden sign, then type out the following on a new line starting from the top line: [buy/sell]>amount you want to sell/buy>id name of item to be sold/bought>$price (without the dollar sign). Players may also need to use [trade] signs. Refer to the above link for more information.

Unwanted Items:

Players can dispose their unwanted items using a wooden sign marked with [disposal]. Click the sign to open. Items will be deleted after closing.

For more help using these plugins and any plugins not listed here in the future, use the support channel in the WoodRock discord server.